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Meeting Tomorrow

We live in a globalized world, where styles come to clash, blend, and transform quicker than they ever have. At Entyché we recognize being bold while also alluding to classics; some styles just don’t get old. It’s not about remaking the wheel, it’s all the small steps towards making something better, new, refreshing.

Elegant Lady with Flower Bouquet - Ring Collection - Jewelry made in montreal- 14k gold luxury jewelry

In Practice

Filigree, intricate floral inspired patterns, originated in Portugal during the Eight Century as an increase in Arab migrants brought new artistic influences.

With this piece we’ve used both engraving and embossing to display a filigree inspired pattern flowing around the ring like a river.

Ring Making Design Process - Artwork - Designed in Montreal - Created in montreal

The Mediterranean’s shores are home to many different cultures, all with longstanding artistic heritage passed on through generations. These places are home to some of the greatest artworks. None of this accomplished alone, sharing of ideas across the world propelled progress. The fact being, we are better united.  

don't limit yourself in style and design, take influence from whatever inspires you. Learn from others around the world and create something unique to you.

Delivering Unforgettable Moments

To embody the essence of good fortune, we prioritize providing the best possible experience through our products. We pay special attention to presentation and ensure exceptional craftsmanship, allowing us to deliver the highest quality.

Image, three graces, deified beauties. Commonly referred to as the Charities.

Three graces for Entyche jewelry

All we ask is that you wear our jewelry with pride knowing everything it stands for.

Message from the artists

There is a time when you get ready for the day or a special event. A time when you meticulously prepare yourself, choose your outfits, choose how you will present yourself and somewhere along this moment you pick up your jewelry, and put it on feeling more confident. You’re not just getting dressed, you’re displaying the kind of individual you are, someone who takes pride in who they are and who they ought to be. Those who dare to wear jewelry, those who dare to be acknowledged are the ones who will seek out opportunity and through this, good fortune will befall them.

Woman wearing Nile ring, designed and made in Montreal

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